0000s – Philosophy, goals, equity, evaluation
1000s – Community relations, records, complaints, visitors, athletics, school property rules, student teaching, homeschooling
2000s – School Board operations
3000s – Superintendent, administration and staffing
4000s – Instruction, curriculum development, staff development, Physical Education, Special Education, Gifted Students, Limited English Proficiency Instruction, Informational Technology, Internet safety, data privacy, graduation requirements
5000s – Student policies, discrimination and harassment, attendance, student activities, student conduct and discipline, concussion management, health and wellness, drugs and alcohol, Dignity for All Students, incident report forms, suspension, psychological services, child abuse and maltreatment, student records
6000s – Fiscal management, budget, and funding
7000s – Facilities planning and development
8000s – Support services, buildings and grounds maintenance, emergency plans, alcohol and drug testing, transportation, food service
9000s – Personnel policies
0000, Educational Philosophy, 2/24/97
0100, Equal Opportunity, 12/17/18
0105, Equity, Inclusivity and Diversity in Education, 2/27/23
0200, School District Goals and Objectives, 2/24/97
0350, Evaluation of Instructional Program, 1/27/17
1120, School District Records, 8/18/16
1120-R, School District Records Regulation, 8/18/16
1125, Breach of Confidentiality, 1/25/10
1131, News Releases, 2/24/97
1140, Student Involvement in Public Information Programs, 2/24/97
1200, Community Involvement, 8/18/16
1240, Visitors To The Schools, 2/24/97
1240-R, Visitors To The Schools Regulation, 2/24/97
1400, Public Complaints, 9/26/16
1420, Complaints About Curricula or Instructional Materials, 2/24/97
1500, Use of School Facilities, 1/23/12
1500-R, Use of School Facilities Regulations, 1/23/12
1500-E-1, Revocable License Form for Use of School Facilities, 1/23/12
1500-E-2, Schedule of Charges for Use of School Facilities, 1/23/12
1500-E-3, School Use Release, 1/23/12
1500-E.5, Set-Up Request Form (all buildings, except SHS), 1/23/12
1500-E.6, Set-Up Request Form (SHS), 1/23/12
1500-E.7, Level III & IV Aquatic Supervision Staff Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Certifications for NYS Bathing Facilities, 3/23
1500-E.8, Pool Safety Plan, 1/23/12
1500-E.9, Accident Procedure Flow Chart, 1/23/12
1500-E.10, Incident Report, 1/23/12
1500-E.11, Building Request Form for Internal organizations, 1/23/12
1510, Public Sales on School Property, 2/24/97
1511, Advertising in the Schools, 2/24/97
1520, Public Conduct on School Property, 6/18/12
1521, Rules Concerning Loitering on School Property, 10/26/09
1522, School Property After Hours, 9/26/16
1530, Smoking and Use of Tobacco Products, 9/26/16
1610, Relations with Law Enforcement Agencies, 10/24/16
1721, Student Teaching and Internships, 9/26/16
1721-R, Student Teachers and Internships Regulation, 9/26/16
1741, Home Schooling, 9/26/16
1741-R, Compliance of a Home Plan, 6/29/15
1800, Acceptance of Gifts, Grants and Bequests to the School District, 6/18/12
1900, Parental Involvement, 4/6/16
1925, Interpreters for Parents with Hearing Impairments, 2/24/97
1925-R, Interpreters for Hearing-Impaired Parents Regulation, 2/24/97
1925-E-1, Interpreters for Parents Who are Hearing Impaired Exhibit, 2/97
1925-E.2, Interpreters for Parents Who are Hearing Impaired, 2/97
2100, School Board Legal Status, 10/26/15
2110, School Board Power and Duties, 10/26/15
2111, Board Members Authority, 10/26/15
2120, School Board Elections, 11/18/19
2120.1, Candidates and Campaigning, 2/24/97
2120.2, Voting Procedures, 2/24/97
2120.2-E, Official Ballot, Absentee Voter for Annual Budget Vote and Election of Members of Board of Education at North Colonie Central School District Election
2150, Unexpired Term Fulfillment, 10/26/15
2160, School Board Officers & Employee Code of Ethics, 9/23/19
2210, Board Re-organizational Meeting, 2/29/16
2220, Board Officers, 12/21/15
2230, Appointed Board Officials, 12/21/15
2250, Board Committees, 12/21/15
2270, School Attorneys, 2/29/16
2310, Regular Board of Education Meetings, 2/29/16
2320, Special Meetings, 3/28/16
2330, Executive Sessions, 3/28/16
2342, Agenda Preparation and Dissemination, 3/28/16
2350, Board Meeting Procedures, 2/24/97
2351, Quorum, 3/28/16
2352, Rules of Order, 3/28/16
2360, Minutes, 3/28/16
2410, Formulation, Adoption, Amendment of Policies, 2/24/97
2420, Administrative Regulations Board Adopted Regulations, 2/24/97
2440, Administration in Policy Absence, 2/24/97
2510, New Board Member Orientation, 2/24/97
2510-E.1, New Board Member Orientation Program
2510-E.2, Board/Administrative Responsibilities
2510-E.3, Policy vs. Administration
2510-E.4, Board Roles
2510-E.5, Superintendent Roles
2510-E.6, Sample Expectations
2510-E.7, Sample Expectations
3100, Superintendent of Schools, 2/29/16
3120, Duties of the Superintendent, 3/28/16
3120-R, Staffing, 2/24/97
3120.1, Evaluation of Superintendent, 10/26/15
3210, Administrative Team, 10/26/15
3210-R, Appointment and Rotation of Building Principals and Hall Principals, 2/24/97
3262, Continuing Education Program, 6/21/99
3327, Authority To Contract, 1/25/99
3340, Administration in Policy Absence, 2/24/97
3400, Administrative Reports, 2/24/97
3400-R, Administrative Reports Regulation, 10/23/06
3542, Cafeteria Funds, 10/23/06
4010, Equivalence of Resources Between Schools, 10/23/06
4100, Organization of Instruction, 6/23/97
4100-R, Organization of Instruction Regulation, 6/23/97
4150, Schedule for Early Dismissal Days, 6/21/99
4200, Curriculum Development, 6/23/97
4200-R, Curriculum Development Regulation, 6/23/97
4200-E, Curriculum Development Exhibit
4250, Staff Development, 6/21/99
4310, Basic Instructional Program, 6/23/97
4311.1, Display of the Flag, 11/19/12
4311.1-R, Display of the Flag Regulation, 11/19/12
4312, Elective Music Credit, 6/21/99
4313, Procedures for Excusing Pupils from Physical Education and/or Outdoor Activities, 6/21/99
4315, Credits for Courses Given By organizations Outside of The Jurisdiction or Supervision of the North Colonie Central School District, 6/21/99
4315-R, Credits for Courses Given By organizations Outside of The Jurisdiction or Supervision of the North Colonie Central School District, 6/21/99
4316, Alternative Programs for Physical Education Credit, 6/21/99
4316-E.1, Physical Education Exhibit
4316-E.2, Physical Education Exhibit
4316.E-3, Physical Education Exhibit
4316-E.4, Physical Education Exhibit
4316-E.5, Physical Education Exhibit
4316-E.6, Physical Education Exhibit
4320, Student Wandering and Elopement for Students with Disabilities, 10/24/16
4321, Programs For Students With Disabilities Enrolled In The District’s Schools Under The IDEA and New York’s Education Law Article 89, 10/24/11
4321-R, Committee on Special Education Procedures, 10/24/11
4321.1, Establishing Subcommittees on Special Education, 12/22/08
4321.2, School-Wide Pre-Referral Approaches and Interventions, 10/24/11
4321.3, Allocation for Space for Special Education Programs, 10/24/11
4321.4, Independent Educational Evaluation, 10/24/11
4321.5, Confidentiality and Access to IEP, IE Services Programs and Service Plans, 10/24/11
4321-R.5, Special Education Records, 4/24/00
4321.6, Availability of Alternative Formal Instructional Materials for Students with Disabilities, 10/24/11
4321.7, District-wide and Statewide Assessments of Students with Disabilities, 10/24/11
4321.8, Impartial Hearing Officer Selection and Compensation, 10/24/11
4321.9, Declassification of Students with Disabilities, 10/24/11
4321.10, Programs and Services for Parentally-Placed Nonpublic School Students with Disabilities, 10/24/11
4321.11, Public Report on Revisions to District Policies, Practices and Procedures upon a Finding of etc., 10/24/11
4321.12, Use of Time Out Rooms, Physical Restraints and Aversives, 9/23/24
4321.13, Preschool Special Education, 10/24/11
4321.13-R, Preschool Special Education Regulation, 10/24/11
4321.14, Special Education Personnel, 10/24/11
4321.15, Discipline of Students with Disabilities, 10/24/11
4321.16, Provision of Special Education Service in the Least Restrictive Environment, 10/24/11
4322, Programs for Gifted Students, 8/25/97
4322-R.1, Programs for Gifted Students – Regulations, 8/25/97
4322-R.2, Programs for Gifted Students – Regulations, Exceptions and/or Alternatives to Evaluation Procedures for Selected Students Identified as Gifted Talented 8/25/97
4322-R.3, Programs for Gifted Students – Regulations, Reviewing the Label of Gifted Students 8/25/97
4322.R-4, Programs for Gifted Students – Regulations, Student Records 8/25/97
4323, 504 Policy Regarding Students with Disabilities, 4/26/10
4326, Limited English Proficiency Instruction, 10/24/11
4326-R, Limited English Proficiency Instruction Regulation, 10/24/11
4328, Homebound Instruction, 12/16/13
4331, Summer School, 5/18/98
4331-R, Summer School Student Parking Regulation, 4/24/06
4420, Class Size, 11/24/97
4531, School Sponsored Trips, 11/24/97
4531-E.1, Field Trips and Excursions Exhibit, 11/97
4531-E.2, Field Trips and Excursions Exhibit
4550, Information Technology and Network Use, 5/19/08
4550-R, Information Technology and Network Use, 5/19/08
4550-E.1, Information Technology Access Release and Authorization Form
4550-E.2, Release of Student Directory Information – Opt Out
4560, Internet Safety Policy, 1/25/10
4570, Privacy and Security for Student Data, Teacher and Principal Data, 11/23/20
4730, Homework, 6/23/97
4730-R, Homework Regulation, 6/23/97
4741, Class Ranking, 5/1/07
4741-R, Class Ranking Regulation, 5/1/07
4750-R, Promotion and Retention of Students Regulation, 8/22/22
4770, Graduation Requirements, 2/24/20
4770-R, Graduation Requirements Regulation, 1/25/99
4772, Commencement Exercises, 5/19/03
4772.1, Honorary Diplomas, 11/24/97
4820, Controversial Issues and Guest Speakers, 5/21/01
4870, Instruction on Days of Religious Observance, 1/25/99
4870-R, Instruction on Days of Religious Observance Regulation, 1/25/99
4900, Bomb Threats, 6/21/99
5010, Unlawful Harassment (Including Sexual Harassment) and Discrimination of Employees, 12/17/18
5010-E.1, Complaint of Discrimination or Harassment
5020.1, Harassment (Including Sexual Harassment) and Discrimination Against Students
5020.1.E.1, Complaint of Prohibited Discrimination or Harassment
5100, Comprehensive Attendance Policy, 9/22/14
5100-R, Student Attendance Regulation, 8/25/14
5140, Entrance Age, 11/24/97
5150, Education of Students in Temporary Housing, 3/2/20
5152, Admission of Non-Resident Student, 1/25/99
5152-R, Admission of Non-Resident Students Regulation, 1/25/99
5182, Released Time for Religious Instruction, 11/24/97
5191, Students and Employees with HIV-Related Illness, 5/21/01
5191-R.1, Students and Employees with HIV-Related Illness Regulation, 1/25/99
5191.R-2, Students and Employees with HIV-Related Illness Regulation, 1/25/99
5191-E.1, Authorization for Release of Confidential HIV Related Information to the Superintendent of Schools and the Board of Education, 1/25/99
5191.E.2, Authorization and Release of Aids Confidential & Related Information, 1/25/99
5210, Student Organizations, 5/21/01
5210-R, Student Organizations Regulation, 4/24/00
5215, Student Privileged Activities, 11/24/97
5215-R, Student Privileged Activities Regulation, 5/21/01
5251, Student Fund Raising and Solicitations, 1/26/98
5251-R, Student Fund Raising Activities Regulation, 1/26/98
5252, Lost or Mutilated School Materials and Equipment, 6/21/99
5252.1, Lost or Damaged Textbooks, 6/21/99
5252.1R, Lost or Damaged Textbooks, 6/21/99
5260, Student Contests, 1/26/98
5260-R, Student Contests Regulation, 1/26/98
5280, Interscholastic Athletics, 8/27/18
5300, Student Conduct and Discipline, 6/18/12
5300R, Student Conduct and Discipline Regulation, 1/23/06
5310, Student Concussion Management Policy, 10/22/12,
5311.5, Student Dress Code, 6/21/99
5312, School Community Health and Wellness, 9/1/16
5312-R, School Community Health and Wellness Regulation, 9/1/16
5312.1, Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 10/27/08
5312.1-R, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Regulation, 11/5/09
5312.1-E, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Exhibit, 1/26/98
5312.11, Drug Free Schools, 1/26/98
5312.11-R, Drug Free Schools Regulation, 1/26/98
5312.12, Opioid Overdose Prevention, 2/26/24
5312.2, Dangerous Weapons in School, 8/27/12
5312.3, Smoking and Tobacco Products by Students, 6/29/15
5312.4, Dignity for All Students Policy, 6/18/12
5312.4-R, Dignity for All Students Regulation, 6/18/12
5312.4-E.1, Dignity Act Coordinators, 6/18/12
5312.4-E.3, Secondary Incident Report Form, 6/18/12
5312.4-E.4, Confidential Report Form, 6/18/12
5312.22, Policy Concerning Alcohol and Other Substances for Adults, 6/23/97
5312.22-R, Administrative Regulations Concerning Alcohol and Other Substances for Adults, 6/23/97
5313.3, Student Suspension, 1/23/06
5313.3-R1, Student Suspension Regulation, 1/23/06
5313.3-R2, Procedures for Student Disciplinary Hearings, 3/13/09
5313.4, Protocol for Teacher Removal of a Student From a Classroom, 5/21/01
5313.5, Pins Petitions, 5/21/01
5313.6, School Transfer of Students Who Have Been the Victim of a Violent Criminal Offense, 5/19/03
5313.6-R.1, School Transfer of Students Who Have Been the Victim of a Violent Criminal Offense Regulation, 5/19/03
5314B, Corporal Punishment, 1/28/02
5420, Student Health Services, 4/24/00
5420-R, Student Health Services Regulation, 8/25/97
5422, Life Threatening Allergic Reaction (Anaphylaxis) Policy, 1/23/06
5422-R, Life Threatening Allergic Reaction (Anaphylaxis) Regulation, Elementary Level, Information and Awareness
5422-R, Anaphylaxis Reaction/Risk Reduction Plan, 1/23/06
5422-R, Emergency Response Plan, 1/23/06
5422-R, Life Threatening Allergic Reaction (Anaphylaxis) Regulation, Secondary Level (Information and Awareness)
5425, Accident Reports, 6/21/99
5430, Student Psychological Services, 1/26/98
5430-R, Student Psychological Services, 1/26/98
5430.1-R, Procedure for Psychological Referral, 6/21/99
5430.2-R, Procedure for Referrals to Community Agencies or Mental Health Specialists, 6/21/99
5435, Social Service Dogs, 3/25/19
5450.1, Sex Offender Notification, 8/29/05
5450.1-R, Sex Offender Notification Regulation, 8/29/05
5454, Student Automobile Use, 6/22/98
5454-R, Student Automobile Regulation, 6/22/98
5454-E, Student Parking Permit Application – Vehicle Registration and Permission Form
5460, Suspected Child Abuse and Maltreatment, 10/27/08
5460-R, Suspected Child Abuse and Maltreatment, 10/27/08
5460-E.1, Mandated Reporter (MR) Procedure
5460-E.2, Mandated Reports Log Sheet
5470, Missing Children, 1/26/98
5470-R, Missing Children Regulation, 1/26/98
5470-E, Reporting of Missing Children Exhibit, 1/26/98
5500, Student Records, 1/26/17
5500-R, Student Records Regulation, 1/26/17
5620, Pregnant Students, 1/25/99
5660, Student Solicitations, 1/25/99
5680, Student Fines and Charges, 1/26/98
5680-R, Student Fines and Charges Regulation, 1/26/98
6100, Annual Budget, 12/21/15
6110, Budget Planning, 11/23/15
6111, Budget Deadlines and Schedules, 11/23/15
6120, Budget Hearing, 11/23/15
6130, Budget Adoption, 12/21/15
6150, Budget Transfer, 11/23/15
6190, Workplace Violence Prevention Policy Statement, 1/22/24
6215, Senior Citizens’ Exemption, 12/21/15
6225, State and Federal Grants, 11/23/15
6240, Investments, 3/28/16
6251, Leasing School District Property, 12/21/15
6251-R, Leasing School District Property Regulation, 11/23/15
6252, Gate Receipts and Admissions, 11/23/15
6300, Revenue and Tax Anticipation Notes, 11/23/15
6400, Depositories of Funds, 12/21/15
6450, Extra-classroom Activity Funds, 12/21/15
6450-R, Rules and Regulations for the Establishment, Conduct, Operation, and Maintenance of Extra-classroom Activities, 10/24/16
6450-R.1, Rules for the Safeguarding, Accounting, and Auditing of Extra-classroom Activity Funds, 10/24/16
6450-E.1, Sales Tax, 9/26/16
6500, Bonded Employees and Officers, 12/21/15
6600, Fiscal Accounting and Reporting, 12/21/15
6610, Fund Balance Policy in Accordance with GASB Statement No. 54, 12/21/15
6630, Financial Reports and Statements, 2/29/16
6635, Online Banking, 12/21/15
6635-R, Online Banking Procedures, 12/21/15
6640, Fixed Assets, 8/18/16
6650, Audit Committee Policy, 3/28/16
6650-R, Audit Committee Charter – Regulations, 3/28/16
6655, Claims Auditor, 3/28/16
6655-R, Claims Auditor Regulation, 3/28/16
6655-E.1, Claims Auditor Warrant Certification, 5/17/16
6655-E.2, Summary of Audit Findings, 5/17/16
6660, Independent Auditors, 3/28/16
6670, Petty Cash/Petty Cash Accounts, 11/23/15
6670-R, Petty Cash Accounts Regulation, 11/23/15
6700, Purchasing, 10/24/16
6700-R, Purchasing Regulation, 10/24/16
6700-E.1, Purchasing Exhibit, 7/18/16
6700-E.3, Contract Verification Form, 3/28/16
6740, Purchasing Procedures, 4/26/10
6760, Payment Procedures, 8/18/16
6820, Salary Deductions, 5/18/98
6830, Expense Reimbursement, 3/28/16
6830-R, Expense Reimbursement Regulation, 3/28/16
6830.E.1, Claim Form, 5/23/16
6830.E.2, Request for Authorization/ to Attend Educational Conference, 5/23/16
6830.E.3, Monthly Mileage Report, 8/18/16
6835, Meals and Refreshments, 3/28/16
6835-R, Meals and Refreshments Regulations, 3/28/16
6840, Use of Credit Cards, 3/28/16
6840-R, Use of Credit Cards, 3/28/16
6900, Disposal of District Property, 5/23/16
6900-E.1., Disposal of Old/Obsolete Equipment, 5/23/16
7100, Facilities Planning, 8/18/16
7200, Financial Facilities Development, 5/23/16
7300, Facilities Construction, 5/23/16
7310, Educational Specifications, 5/23/16
7320, Selection of an Architect or Engineer, 5/23/16
7332, Construction Plans and Specifications, 5/23/16
7350, Site Acquisition, 5/23/16
7360, Construction Contracts, Bidding and Awards, 5/23/16
7370, Supervision of Construction, 5/23/16
7380, Construction Project Insurance, 6/22/98
7400, Inspection and Acceptance of New Facilities, 5/23/16
7500, Naming School Facilities, 9/26/16
8110, Buildings and Grounds Inspection, 5/18/98
8110-R, Buildings and Grounds Inspection Regulation, 5/18/98
8130, Emergency Plans, 6/22/98
8130-R, Emergency Plans Regulation, 5/21/01
8132, Fire and Disaster Drills, 6/22/98
8132-R, Fire and Disaster Drills Regulation, 6/22/98
8134, Emergency Closings, 6/22/98
8134-R, Emergency Closing Regulation, 6/22/98
8210, Buildings and Grounds Security, 6/22/98
8210-R, Buildings and Grounds Security Regulation, 6/22/98
8220, Pesticide/Herbicide Applications to School Fields and Playgrounds, 3/25/19
8240, Traffic and Parking Controls, 1/25/99
8330, Use of District Supplies and Equipment, 4/22/14
8332, Cell Phone Policy, 6/29/15
8332-R, Administrative Regulations, 5/22/06
8332-E.1, Request for Cell Phone Form, 5/22/06
8335, No Idling, 7/7/11
8336, Alcohol and Drug Testing of School Employees Who Possess a Commercial Driving License and Operate District Vehicle, 6/18/12
8336-R, Alcohol and Drug Testing of School Employees Who Possess a Commercial Driving License and Operate District Vehicle, 6/18/12
8410, Student Transportation, 7/7/11
8410.1, Use of School Buses, 7/7/11
8410.2, Transportation of Elementary Students to/from Other than Home Address, 7/7/11
8410.3, Transportation of Secondary Students to/from Other than Home Address, 7/7/11
8410.4, Transportation for Non-Public School Students, 7/7/11
8410.5, School Bus Safety, 7/7/11
8410.6, Student Conduct on School Buses, 7/7/11
8410-R, Student Transportation Regulation, 7/7/11
8414.1, Bus Driver Qualifications and Training, 10/24/11
8414.5, Alcohol And Drug Testing Of Commercial Vehicle Operators, 5/21/2001
8414.5R, Alcohol And Drug Testing Of Commercial Vehicle Operators Regulation, 5/21/2001
8500, Food Service Management, 1/23/17
8520, Free and Reduced Price Food Services, 1/23/17
8521, Meal Charge, 8/26/19
8700, Insurance, 1/25/99
8700-R, Insurance Regulation, 1/25/99
9110.2, Prohibition of Sexual Harassment Among Employees, 6/21/99
9115, Teacher Seniority Tie-Breaker, 3/22/10
9120.2, Hiring of Employees’ Relatives, 1/28/08
9130, Fingerprinting and Appointment of School District Personnel, 6/18/12
9130-R, Fingerprinting and Appointment of School District Personnel Regulation, 6/18/12
9131, Fingerprinting of Non-School District Personnel, 4/22/14
9150, Staff-Student Relations, 1/23/17
9230, Posting Vacancies, 1/25/99
9240, Recruiting and Hiring of Coaches, 6/21/99
9310, Physical Exams, 1/25/99
9330, Smoking by Staff, 6/29/15
9500, Compensation, 10/23/06
9510, Salary Schedules, 5/18/98
9510.1, Overtime, 1/25/99
9520.2, Family and Medical Leave, 1/25/99
9520.2-R, Family and Medical Leave Regulation, 1/25/99
9530, Other Absences, 10/23/06
9530.1, Vacation Schedules, 1/25/99
9720, Professional Research and Publishing, 1/25/99
9720-R, Professional Research and Publishing Regulation, 1/25/99
Board of Education LINKS
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For more information on these policies, contact Assistant Superintendent for Business, Cybil Howard: (518) 785-8591.