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7332, Construction Plans and Specifications

Schematic Drawings

Before proceeding to the stage of preliminary drawings, cost estimates and construction specifications, the architect will prepare schematic drawings for review by the Board of Education. Schematic drawings shall be developed to such a level as to be able to determine functional capacity and to demonstrate strict compliance with “Educational Specifications” (7310), and the laws of the State of New York and the regulations and requirements of the Education Department and/or any other governmental agency with jurisdiction over the project. Approval of the schematics will authorize the architect to proceed with the project.

Preliminary Drawings and Cost Estimates

After Board review and approval of the schematic drawings, the architect will proceed with the development of preliminary drawings and cost estimates, in preparation for a bond referendum on the proposed project. After Board approval, the preliminary drawings will be submitted for approval and determination of student capacity rating to the New York State Education Department Division of Educational Facilities Planning.

Final Plans and Construction Specifications

After voter approval of the project, if necessary, the architect will be authorized by the Board to prepare complete contract documents. After approval by the Board and the Commissioner of Education, such plans and specifications will serve as the basis for securing bids for the construction of the project.

Change Orders

Any change order from original construction specifications must be recommended and justified by the architect, with a detailed summary of additional costs or savings involved. Authorization of change orders under $20,000 shall be by action of the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee. Authorization of change orders higher than $20,000 shall be by action of the Board of Education.

Change orders must be approved by the New York State Education Department.

All change orders shall be issued on the approved forms.

Education Law §§408; 408-a
8 N.Y.C.R.R. §§155.1; 155.2

Policy Adopted: March 10, 1975
Amended: May 18, 1998
Amended: May 23, 2016