Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 5680, Student Fines and Charges

5680, Student Fines and Charges

The Board of Education, through its designated School Administrators, reserves the right to levy assessments for school materials and equipment loaned to students, which are lost or mutilated through misuse.

Textbooks and library books are provided to students by the Board on a loan free basis. Students are responsible for returning these books, by the designated due date, undamaged except for normal wear. Students will be held financially responsible for lost or damaged books.

Materials, equipment or books lost during the school year will not be replaced until the student has paid the assessment. Students who fail to pay assessments by August 31st will not be loaned materials, equipment or books until such assessments are paid. Graduating seniors with assessments outstanding may participate in graduation exercises but will not receive a diploma. Such students will receive a copy of this Board of Education policy and a statement that the diploma will be forwarded upon payment of the outstanding assessments.

Note: Prior policies, Assessments, 5151 and Lost or Damaged Textbooks, 5151.1

Policy Adopted: May 13, 1974
Amended: September 28, 1987
Amended: November 23, 1987
Amended: January 26, 1998