Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 2510-E.4, Board Roles

2510-E.4, Board Roles

  1. Keep the overall mission of the school district clearly in focus and satisfy itself that the objectives of the particular parts of the work or units of the organization are in harmony with the mission.
  2. Approve and periodically revise long-range plans for the district.
  3. Oversee the district’s program to ensure that objectives are being achieved in the best fashion possible.
  4. Communicate the goals and performance of the district to its constituents.
  5. Select the Superintendent of Schools and establish the conditions of his/her employment.
  6. Work closely and interactively with the Superintendent and, through him/her, with the staff. The relationship with the Superintendent should be as close as time permits and as informal and as personal as the essential differences in role allow.
  7. Establish such broad policies governing the school district as may be necessary to cover continuing or recurrent situations in which consistency of action is desirable.
  8. Assure itself that the basic legal and ethical responsibilities of Board members and the district are fulfilled.
  9. Accept responsibility for securing and managing adequate financial resources.
  10. Assure itself that the school district is effectively integrated with its social environment as well as with the public and institutions to which it is or should be related.
  11. Continuously appraise itself and periodically devote time to analyzing its own performance.

Adapted from Governing Boards – Their Nature and Nurture
by Cyril O. Houle (permission has been requested)