Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 6835, Meals and Refreshments

6835, Meals and Refreshments

The Board of Education recognizes that it may be appropriate to provide refreshments and/or meals for district meetings, events and/or classrooms, which are being held for a district or educational purpose. Any expenditure on such refreshments, and/or meals, must be approved in advance by the appropriate administrator. Meal requests may be approved:

  • when determined to be of an educational benefit to students,
  • when officers and/or employees of the district, when within the scope of their official duties, will be prevented from taking time off for normal food consumption due to a pressing need to complete the business at hand,and
  • when the district wishes to recognize the services provided by volunteers, officers, or employees of the district. The cost of the refreshments/meals must be reasonable as determined by the Assistant Superintendent for Business.

All expenses must be appropriately documented, including the date, purpose of the meeting, and the group in attendance; and submitted to the district’s Business Office for the purpose of audit and possible reimbursement.

NY Constitution, Art. VIII, §1
Education Law §2118
Ops. St. Compt. 77-667; 79-522, 81-13; 82-66; 82-213, 82-298; 83-57

Adopted: January 23, 2006
Amended: March 28, 2016