Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 6840, Use of Credit Cards

6840, Use of Credit Cards

The Board of Education permits the use of district credit cards by certain school officials to pay for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of work-related duties and to purchase goods for the district. A list of those individuals that will be issued a district credit card will be maintained in the Business Office and approved by the Board each year at its reorganizational meeting in July.

The district shall establish a credit line not to exceed $15,000 for each card issued and an aggregate credit limit of $30,000 for all cards issued to the district.

The relationship between the district and the credit card company shall be such that the district preserves its right to refuse to pay any claim that is not expressly authorized. In addition, the Board through its Claims Auditor will ensure that no claim shall be paid unless an itemized voucher approved by the officer whose action gave rise or origin to the claim, and shall have been audited and allowed pursuant to standard district procedures.

Credit cards may only be used for legitimate district-related business expenditures. The use of credit cards is not intended to circumvent the district’s policy on purchasing. Personal use of the district credit card is strictly prohibited.

The Assistant Superintendent for Business, in consultation with the district Purchasing Agent, shall establish regulations governing the issuance and use of credit cards.

6700, Purchasing
6830, Expense Reimbursement

Education Law §§1724(1)
General Municipal Law §77-b
Opns. St. Compt. No. 79-202
Opns. St. Compt. No. 78-897

Adopted: January 23, 2006
Amended: March 12, 2007
Amended: September 21, 2009
Amended: November 19, 2012
Amended: March 28, 2016