Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 9720, Professional Research and Publishing

9720, Professional Research and Publishing

Research Activities Involving Staff, Students and School Facilities

Recognizing that while educational research can serve an important function in advancing knowledge, such research activity can make heavy time demands on the district’s students and programs. Therefore, the Board of Education hereby limits the district’s participation in research activity by either staff or outside agencies to only those projects which are deemed to be of direct benefit to the district’s students or program. Further, such research shall be conducted only by individuals affiliated with non-profit organizations, institutions or community agencies.

Requests to conduct research must be in conformity with the Administrative Regulations, accompanying this policy, and must receive final approval by the Superintendent of Schools, or his/her delegate. Where students are to be directly involved in the research, provision must be made for informed parent/guardian consent.

Under no circumstances shall any research be approved which involves a potential for physical or psychological harm to the participating students.

Cross-ref: 5311, Student Rights and Responsibilities

Note: Prior policy, 1400, Research Activities Involving Staff, Students and School Facilities

Policy Adopted: January 23, 1978
Amended: January 25, 1999