Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 1925, Interpreters for Parents with Hearing Impairments

1925, Interpreters for Parents with Hearing Impairments

The Board of Education recognizes that those district parents with hearing impairments which prevent a meaningful participation in their child’s educational program must be afforded an opportunity equal to that afforded other parents to participate in meetings or activities pertaining to the academic and/or disciplinary aspects of their child’s education. Accordingly, and pursuant to law, the school district will provide an interpreter for parents with hearing impairments for school-initiated academic and/or disciplinary meetings or activities including, but not limited to

  • Parent/teacher conferences
  • Child/study or building Level team meetings
    Planning meeting with school counselors regarding educational progress
  • Career planning
  • Suspension hearings or other conferences with school officials relating to disciplinary actions.

The school district will provide an interpreter for the parents who are hearing impaired if a written request for the service is received by the district at least 3 days prior to the scheduled meeting or activity. If an interpreter is unavailable, the district will then make other reasonable accommodations which are satisfactory to the parents (e.g., notetaker). These services will be made available by the district at no cost to the parents.

Ref: Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42U.S.C.C §~I213I-I2I34 Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. §794
Education Law §3230 8 NYCRR §I00.2(aa)
Rothschild v. Grottenthaler, 907 F.2d 286 (2d Or. 1990)

Note: Prior policy, 1223

Policy Adopted: December 19, 1994
Amended: February 24, 1997