Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 5454-R, Student Automobile Regulation

5454-R, Student Automobile Regulation

  1. Student parking will be allowed in the student parking lot by permit only. Cars without permits will be towed away at the owner’s expense.
  2. To register a vehicle, the car must be registered either in the name of the student or another member of the family. A student must also have a valid driver’s license. The transferral of permits from one student to another is not allowed.
  3. Students should notify the Taft Hall Office immediately if their parking permits are no longer needed.
  4. If a student’s parking permit is suspended, he or she must not park on streets adjacent to school property. Parking permits will not be renewed for students who violate this rule.
  5. Students must be in the parking lot by 7:35 A.M. Repeated tardiness to school (5 illegal tardies or homeroom tardies per quarter) and the parking lot will lead to the suspension of a student’s parking permit.
  6. Students must proceed directly to and from their automobiles. No loitering is allowed in the student parking lot. Students are not to be in the parkinglot during school hours without permission of the hall or building principal.
  7. All traffic rules must be obeyed, including, but not limited to, the posted speed on all school roadways.
  8. No student’s automobile may be moved from the lot before the official close of school unless the student has an early dismissal, early release or has been given written permission from a hall Principal or the Building Principal. Students who violate this rule will lose their parking permit.
  9. Violation of any of the parking rules will lead to the immediate suspension of the student’s parking permit. The suspension of a parking permit may be appealed within three days after the rules violation, in writing to the Hall Principal.


I have carefully read the regulations and agree to support them. I understand any infraction will lead to the immediate suspension of my driving privileges for a time determined by the Parking Lot Committee, in consultation with the Taft Hall and Building Principals. I also understand that repeated infractions of the regulations will lead to suspension of my driving privileges for the remainder of the school year. I further understand that the school will not be liable if my vehicle is damaged on school property or while it is being towed from school property for an infraction of the regulations.

Student Signature ___________________________________________________           

I have read all the regulations on this form and I will support them. I have also discussed each regulation with my child who understands and supports all of them.

Parent Signature ___________________________________________________

Note: Prior regulation, Student Driving and Parking, 5131.3 (a), (b)

September, 1992
June 22, 1998