Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 2510-E.6, Sample Expectation

2510-E.6, Sample Expectation

Establishing Common Expectations


Superintendent Expectations of the Board

  1. Be open to new ideas.
  2. Be advocates for education in the community; engage in vigorous public relations on behalf of the district.
  3. Be well prepared for meetings; read materials that are provided before hand.
  4. Request information on issues before Board meetings.
  5. Allow Superintendent to do the job for which she/he was hired.
  6. No surprises; provide information on community concerns; report rumors.
  7. No hidden agendas.
  8. Operate as a team; avoid factionalism.
  9. Be concerned with education for all students; avoid single issue politics.
  10. Do not deal with problems on a personal basis.
  11. Do not answer for the Board as an individual; defend the policies of the whole Board.
  12. Publicly support the Superintendent and the Board especially after a decision.
  13. Leave Superintendent out of the politics of the Board.
  14. Do not jump to conclusions/decisions; wait for the facts.
  15. Be up front about concerns about Superintendent; no talking behind back.
  16. Do not go around the Superintendent.
  17. Have a basic understanding of parliamentary procedures and school law.
  18. Promote unity within the Board.
  19. Do not try to be an administrator.
  20. Contribute facts and information to policymaking processes.
  21. Do not ask Superintendent to mediate between and among Board members.
  22. Call Superintendent first on issues.
  23. Accept that Superintendent will make some mistakes.