Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 4322, Programs for Gifted Students

4322, Programs for Gifted Students

Gifted Children

I. Identification of Students

In order to provide appropriate programs and services for all district-children, administrative regulations will provide for the screening, identification and classification of gifted students. Such identification and classification will be in accordance with definitions and guidelines set forth by the Commissioner of Education and the Regents of the State of New York.

II. District Plan

A district plan providing for educating gifted students will be prepared by the District Committee for Gifted children for review by the administrative staff and submitted at lest every three years to the Board of Education for its review and approval. The ultimate goal of this plan will be to insure that appropriate educational programs and services are provided gifted children in order that they may develop their unique skills to the fullest potential.

III. District Committee for the Gifted

In accordance with the Regents’ Statement of Policy and Recommendation, the district will establish and maintain a Committee for the Gifted Children. In addition to maintaining a current comprehensive list of gifted children, the Committee shall have responsibility for reviewing and evaluating, at least biannually, the classification and status of each pupil within the school district who has been designed as “gifted.” This committee shall review and evaluate all relative information pertinent to each gifted child, make recommendations as to the appropriate educational programs, services and placement, make periodic evaluations of the adequacy of programs and provide a summary report annually.

IV. Educational Programs and/or Services

Educational programs and/or services will be made available, as needed, to all gifted students between five years of age and graduation from high school. While it is recognized that programs and services provided in integrated settings typically provide benefits above those in segregated settings, there may be times when such pupils will need programs a services in segregated settings, within the school district or those which may be contracted with agencies outside the district. Parents/Guardians are to be actively involved in the development of differentiated programs or services for their child.

V. Challenge to Labeling of and Programming for Gifted Children

Formal administrative procedures shall be established whereby a person in parental authority to the student or a member of the professional staff may challenge the identification or placement of a gifted student. That right of challenge, which may include an assessment by qualified specialists retained by the parents/guardian, does not, per se, imply an obligation upon responsible school personnel to designate a child as gifted or to make modifications in the child’s educational program. Parents/Guardians, or students 18 years of age, at their discretion may insert into the student’s record a written explanation of their concerns regarding identification of, or programming for, such students.

Cross-ref: 5500, Student Records

Ref: Education Law §§3602(23); 4451-4453
8 NYCRFR Part 142; §§117.3(c)(3),(f)

A Statement of Policy and Proposed Action by the Regents of The University of the State of New York, Albany, The State Education Department, January 1976

Policy Adopted: June 28, 1976
Amended: August 25, 1997