Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 1511, Advertising in the Schools

1511, Advertising in the Schools

School buildings or grounds shall not be used for commercial advertising displays as such, nor shall any of the communications media of the schools be used for commercial advertising, except as authorized. The Principal may. in specific instances, approve accepting certain services offered gratis to the school by private firms along with a limited amount of institutional-type advertising.

Political Advertising

School employees or school affiliated organizations shall not distribute any materials of a partisan political nature on the school premises, or in the course of any school sponsored activities.

1500, Public Use of School Facilities
1520, Public Conduct on School Property

Note: Prior policies. Special Use of School Facilities and Equipment-Advertising, 1339.1
and Political Advertising. 1339.2

Policy Adopted: April 9, 1973
Amended: October 27, 1975
Amended: February 24, 1997