Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 5313.3-R1, Student Suspension Regulation

5313.3-R1, Student Suspension Regulation

  1. Procedure for short-term suspensions (up to five (5) school days)

    a. Prior to any action on the short-term suspension of a student, the Building Principal, or his/her designee, shall interview the student and provide the student with an opportunity to relate his/her version of the problem. If a suspension of five (5) days or less is determined to be the appropriate form of disciplinary action, the Building Principal, or designee, will explain the evidence upon which the suspension action is to be taken. This interview need not be a formal conference and may, if necessary, immediately follow the student violation.

    b. The student’s parents/guardians and the student if over the age of eighteen(18) will be notified in writing of the nature of the violation and the penalty for same and shall be informed of their right to request an informal conference with the Building Principal. The person in parental relations shall have the right to ask questions of witnesses. After the conference, the Building Principal shall promptly advise the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the student if over the age of eighteen (18) of his/her decision. A parental conference will be scheduled prior to the student’s readmission to classes.

  2. Procedure for long-term suspensions (more than five (5) school days)

    a. Procedure shall include 1.a. and 1.b.

    b. The Building Principal will immediately file a written report, with recommendations for disciplinary action, with the Superintendent.

    c. Upon determination that a recommendation for a long-term (more than five (5) school days) suspension will be considered, the Superintendent of Schools will:

    1. Schedule a disciplinary hearing within the initial five-day suspension period.
    2. The disciplinary hearing will be held in private session, according to 5313.3-R2 Regulations.

    d. A record of the hearing will be kept by the District.

    e. The School Principal shall provide for suitable alternative instruction reasonably promptly.

Suspension Procedures for Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities may have additional rights prior to suspension. See policies 4321 and 4323 and regulation 4321-R.2 for their due process rights.

Note: Prior regulations, Building Principals – Authority to Suspend Students, 2212.1 and Procedures for Students Disciplinary Hearings, 9361.4

Policy Adopted: September 22, 1975
Amended: May 16, 1977
Reviewed: November 25, 1985
Amended: January 26, 1998
Amended: April 24, 2000
Amended: January 23, 2006