Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 8134, Emergency Closings

8134, Emergency Closings

The Superintendent of Schools shall have the authority to close the schools temporarily whenever conditions, in his/her judgment, are such as to endanger the well- being of the students. The decision to close school will be made in consultation with the Director of Buildings and Grounds and the head bus driver. In the event the Superintendent is absent from the District, the Assistant Superintendent or the administrator in charge will make the decision.

When the decision has been made to close school, the Superintendent will initiate the emergency communications chain. Building Principals shall be responsible for establishing a communication network to inform their separate staffs of the decision.

“Emergency Announcements” for school closings shall be made on the following radio stations:


School closings will normally be announced over these stations between 6:00 A.M. and 6:30 A.M.

Where a delayed opening of classes is announced, schools will open one hour later and will be dismissed at the regular closing time. In the event that severe weather conditions – or another type of emergency – force the early dismissal of classes, students will be dismissed in the following sequence at ½ hour intervals:

  1. Shaker Junior High School/ Shaker High School
  2. Early elementary schools
  3. Late elementary schools

Building Principals shall inform both the student body and their staffs of the procedures to be followed.

Ref: Education Law §3604(7)

Note: Prior policy, Emergency School Closings – Procedures, 2112.10

Policy Adopted: December 9, 1973
Amended: December 16, 1986
Amended: June 22, 1998