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0000, Educational Philosophy

Statement and Definition of Purpose

The North Colonie School District is dedicated to the goal of providing an excellent education for all of our students. This district has a tradition of high expectations with a focus on performance. To continually examine how to improve the schools, the district annually establishes objectives, performance standards and conducts a program audit; provides resources, incentives and assistance; and exercises initiatives to develop and conduct educational programs which produce better results.

Our mission is to graduate young adults who are prepared for further education and work. We expect ours students to develop the ability to analyze and manage information, communicate effectively, work cooperativelyand respect others. In our efforts to attain excellence for all, educators, students and parents must collaborate and take responsibility for improvement.

The following paragraphs define the principles which help guide our program development.


Learning is the acquisition of knowledge and skills the learner can use, apply or integrate in new ways.

Instruction is the structured process employed so that the learner can acquire knowledge and skills. The structured process of instruction may be found in and out of the classroom.

Instruction may involve lecture, discussion, collaborative work, hand-ons projects, etc. It is important to employ more than one methodology, including direct instruction, coaching and facilitating activities, because of the different ways that student learn.

Character Development

Character development is the process of developing a positive self-image and self- disciplined approach to life. In order to promote the process, the school and community strive for mutually respectful relationships between students and teachers and encourage students to be self-controlled, participatory, considerate in their relationships with other students, and non- disruptive in and around school. Students have the right to express their opinions and ideas orally and in writing. They need to be knowledgeable about and abide by the rules and regulations of the district and the school.


Curriculum is a body of knowledge, desired skills and outcomes that are measured. That portion of the curriculum which deals with Disciplines is structured by objectives, learning experiences, and evaluation with the intention of offering formal instruction. Those experiences offered with the intention of expanding and/or enriching previously acquired skills and knowledge can be at times less rigorously structured but nonetheless have purposeful objectives. As the aims and resources of education change to keep pace with the needs of a changing world, the curriculum changes to meet these needs.


Assessment is the way in which we measure the progress of students’ learning and outcomes. Performance assessment is an episode of learning; it informs instruction and should actively engage students in the process. Assessment should provide date for and about the student, curriculum, instruction and the achievement of programmatic objectives.


Our community is composed of everyone who is impacted, directly or indirectly, by the educational process. This includes students, parents, educators, taxpayers, universities, businesses, and other groups. The school district will seek to initiate and promote school- community collaboration, with the expectation that community groups will collaborate actively with the school community to serve the educational needs of all students. Community participation and interaction with our schools strengthen our district.

Note: Prior policy, Statement and Definitions of Purpose


February 24, 1997