Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 8330, Use of District Supplies and Equipment

8330, Use of District Supplies and Equipment

District supplies and equipment are purchased with tax monies for the educational and administrative benefit of the North Colonie Central School District. Thus, their use is restricted for district purposes except that such supplies and equipment may be used in accordance with provisions of policy no. 1500, Use of FacilitiesIn all such instances, the supplies and equipment shall be under the supervision of a department administrator or designeeNote: This policy does not regulate supplies and equipment owned by student clubs, PTAs, Booster Clubs, private entities, et. al., whose supplies and equipment may happen to be located on district property.

Private and/or personal use of district supplies and equipment is strictly prohibited, except as Board approved in policy or by contract. Violation of this policy by an employee may be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination from employment. In the event that circumstances warrant such action, a report of the employee’s conduct may be made by the Superintendent or designee to appropriate law enforcement authorities for their review.

The district will permit, with supervisor permission, district supplies and equipment to be issued or loaned to staff members for offsite use when such use is directly related to their employment.

District supplies and equipment may be loaned to students, with administrative/teacher permission, when the supplies and equipment are to be used in connection with their academic program or school-related extracurricular activities.

Cross ref:
1240, Visitors to the Schools
1500, Public Use of School Facilities
1520, Public Conduct on School Property
8130, Emergency Plan
8211, Access to Buildings 8212, Vandalism

Note: Prior policies, Special Use of School Facilities and Equipment, 1339 and Use of Tools, 5152

Policy Adopted: April 13, 1959
Amended: April 9, 1973
Amended: January 25, 1999
Amended: April 22, 2014