Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 2510-E.7, Sample Expectations

2510-E.7, Sample Expectations

Establishing Common Expectations


Board Expectations of Superintendents

  1. Treat Board members fairly and equitably.
  2. Generate dependable information and distribute all information to all Board members.
  3. Be accessible to Board members on a reasonable schedule.
  4. Give honest, thoughtful, and well-reasoned opinions and reactions to issues.
  5. Present policy options for consideration by the Board.
  6. Do not manipulate the Board; do not divide the Board to win an issue.
  7. Do not talk behind Board members’ backs.
  8. Be loyal to the Board.
  9. Listen carefully to the views and opinions of Board members.
  10. Work toward trust with all Board members.
  11. No surprises.
  12. Keep Board informed of major operational issues; short circuit potential problems.
  13. Publicly defend Board positions; support formal Board decisions.
  14. Do not blame problems that emerge on the Board.
  15. Be cordial.
  16. Be open to new ideas; bring new ideas to the Board.
  17. Be politically sensitive to statements and reactions.
  18. Establish good relations with the media.
  19. Be visible in the community and pursue a strong community relations agenda.
  20. Let the Board know of his/her expectations of the Board.
  21. Exhibit a genuine interest in student welfare.
  22. Help Board grow into a cohesive group.
  23. Conduct in-service training for the Board.
  24. Use consistent style and methods in working with the Board.
  25. Use Board members’ time wisely.
  26. Be informed about status of state legislation.