Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 2120.2, Voting Procedures

2120.2, Voting Procedures

A person shall be entitled to vote at any school meeting, election for school district officers, and upon all other matters which may be brought before such meeting or election in the North Colonie Central School District, who is:

  1. a citizen of the United States;
  2. at least eighteen years of age;
  3. a resident of the North Colonie Central School District for a period of thirty days next preceding the school meeting or election at which such person offers to vote; and
  4. qualified to register or is registered to vote in accordance with section 5-106 of the Election Law which excludes:
    a) those convicted felons who have not been pardoned or had their rights of citizenship restored, those whose maximum sentence of imprisonment has not expired; and/or those who have not been discharged from parole;
    b) persons adjudged mentally incompetent by a court.

Poll List

Pursuant to Education Law Section 2029, a poll list containing the name, signature and legal residence of every person whose vote shall be received shall be kept by the Clerk of the Board of Education at each school meeting or election.

Additionally, pursuant to Education Law 2019, the following statement shall appear at the top of each page of the poll list:

“I do declare and affirm that I am:

  1. a citizen of the United States;
  2. at least eighteen years of age;
  3. a resident of the North Colonie Central School District for a period of thirty days next preceding the school meeting or election.

I understand that any misrepresentation of this declaration shall cause me to be guilty of a misdemeanor.”

Cross-ref: 2111, Board Members Authority

Note: Prior policy, Voter Qualifications and Poll List, 9520

Policy Adopted: January 1, 1960
Amended: August 12, 1968
Amended: July 1, 1969
Amended: July 6, 1971
Amended: January 26, 1976
Amended: December 6, 1982
Amended: February 24, 1997