Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 9310, Physical Exams

9310, Physical Exams

Physical Examinations – Certificated Staff

Teachers, administrative and other certified personnel are required to have physical examinations by the school physician by October 15 of their first year of service and again during the third year (prior to January 1) of their probationary period or before being placed on tenure. These examinations will be without cost to the employee.

Employees desiring to be examined by other than the school physician will be expected to assume the financial obligation for the examination.

Physical Examinations – Classified Staff

  1. All bus drivers and food service employees will have annual physical
    examinations. These examinations are to be conducted prior to the opening of the
    school year by the school physician, and at no cost to the employee.
  2. All new non-instructional employees will have physical examinations by the
    school physician before or as soon as possible after employment.
  3. Employees desiring to be examined by other than the school physician will be
    expected to assume the financial obligation for the examination.

Note: Prior policies, Physical Examinations, 4124 and 4214

Policy Adopted: August 12, 1968
Amended: February 11, 1968
Amended: June 9, 1975
Amended: January 25, 1999