Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 5420-R, Student Health Services Regulation

5420-R, Student Health Services Regulation

Emergency Procedures and Approved First Aid Methods


Contact parents and cooperate with them in any further care that may be indicated.

If neither parents nor those designated by them are available and in the opinion of the school physician, nurse-teacher, Principal, or physical education teacher or coach, emergency hospitalization is indicated, call the ambulance.

The number for the ambulance is (518) ______________ (Colonie Police). That office will summon the ambulance. To call ambulance directly – (518) ______________ .

In any case where emergency hospital treatment is indicated and when neither parent nor parent-designated party can be reached, an ambulance should be called to take the student to the hospital. Particularly in the case of students of elementary school age a responsible adult from the school (the school nurse- teacher, if available) should accompany the student to the hospital, either in the ambulance or by driving his/her own car.


SCHOOL PHYSICIAN: __________________________  PHONE NUMBER: (518) ______________ 

Abrasions, Scratches and Minor Cuts
Cleanse with phisohex or antiseptic cream and running water. Apply sterile dressing.
Cleanse with 50% Tincture of Green Soap and water. Apply merthiolate and sterile dressing. Butterfly may be applied.

Animal Bites 
Wash wound thoroughly to remove saliva, using compress, strong soap solution and water to scrub wound.
Rinse with clear running water and apply sterile dressing. Bites on head or face are especially dangerous. Notify parent and urge medical attention as soon as possible.
Notify owner of animal, if known.
Notify police department (who will notify health department).
The important thing is to have the animal secured and placed under observation. Animal should not be killed.

Artificial Respiration 
Rescue Breathing — Mouth to Mouth – after first clearing airway.

Apply sterile dressing. Do not puncture.

Apply cold water or ice bag to bruised part for 10 minutes.

For extensive burns when the person will be taken for further treatment: Immediately apply cold tap water. Apply a cold, wet dressing; proceed to emergency room.
For minor burns: immediately apply cold tap water. After burning reaction is stopped with cold water, cleanse the area, apply a dry sterile dressing. (Do not use ice to stop the burn reaction. Ice has the ability to destroy cells as well as heat.)

Choking (foreign body in throat)

Quickly check the mouth for an object.
Standing behind the victim, grasp both arms around the individual’s waist, one hand gripping the other wrist, and then pressing forcefully into the victim’s diaphragm just below the ribs, while allowing the victim to slump forward, head and arms dangling.

Quickly check for object in the mouth. If the victim is face down, the rescuer can straddle the buttocks; if he is face up, the thighs.
In either case, place both hands, one on top of the other, just below the diaphragm (just above the belt line) and
push sharply toward the victim’s head. If possible have a bystander be ready to scoop up the ejected object so it isn’t inhaled again.
Repeat procedure if necessary.

Determine temperature. Notify parent.

Electric Shock
Turn off electric power if possible. Do not touch patient until contact is broken. Pull him/her from contact using rope, wooden pole, or loop of dry cloth. If breathing has stopped, start artificial respiration. Follow emergency procedures.

Eye (foreign body in)
If visible and easily removable, use wet sterile cotton tipped applicator; for embedded object (steel, wood, etc.) cover eye with sterile compress and follow emergency procedures.

Eye (chemical, acid and or alkaline)
Flush eye with copious amounts of water, hold eye open head over basin or bowl.

Eye (blow to)
Cold pack. Observe. Notify parent if any possibility of injury to eye itself. Urge examination by physician.

Place child on back with head low. Loosen tight clothing, offer aromatic spirits of ammonia for inhalation. If prolonged, follow emergency procedures.

Fractures, Dislocations, Sprains
Follow emergency procedure; inflatable plastic splint may be applied.

Bring child to warm room immediately. Apply warm water packs.

Determine temperature. If child appears to be ill, have him/her taken home. Otherwise rest on cot. Cold compresses or ice bag may be applied to forehead. Inquire regarding recent health habits, eye strain, sleep, etc.

Apply pressure over injury and elevate part. If bleeding does not readily cease, follow emergency procedures.

Isolate in quiet place. Cold compresses or ice bag may be applied to forehead.

Insect Stings
Remove sting, if still present. Apply baking soda pack or paste. Cold compress or ice cap helps relieve pain. Call parent immediately if swelling is excessive, or if allergy to insect bite is known.

Menstrual Pain
Rest on cot. If severe, advise parent to check with family physician.

Have child lean back in chair with head tipped back, breathing through mouth. Loosen anything tight around neck. Apply cold wet compresses over nose. Firm pressure on the nostril on bleeding side, against the middle partition often stops the bleeding and provides opportunity for clot to form. If bleeding does not stop readily, call parents and follow authorization in calling a physician.

Determine nature of poison, if possible. Use antidote suggested on bottle label.
Call Albany County Poison Control Center at Albany Medical Center hospital for instructions. (______________)

Do not try to restrain person. Place on floor or ground to prevent falling. Loosen tight clothing. Clear area of hard or sharp objects to prevent self-injury. Do not force anything between teeth. If mouth is already open, place a soft object, such as a handkerchief between side teeth. Allow to rest after seizure lasts more than ten minutes.

Stomach Ache
If child has elevated temperature or appears ill, have him/her taken home and advise that family physician be contacted. Otherwise, have him/her rest on cot. Inquire regarding health habits.

Rinse mouth with warm saline solution or warm water. Notify parent.

Tooth Injury
In case of fracture of dentition (nature tooth) or loosening of tooth, child should be taken to family dentist immediately. If whole tooth or fractured part can be found, this should be wrapped in moist gauze and sent with the child. Contact parent.
If parent unavailable, contact family dentist. If the whole tooth contains the root or most of the root, every effort should be made to transport to the family dentist quickly. Immediate replacement often saves the tooth.

If child appears obviously ill, call parent and send student home.
If vomiting seems to be resulting from some type of nervousness or emotional upset, provide the student with rest and quiet until parents are contacted and send student home.

Note: Prior regulation, Emergency Procedures and approved First Aid Methods, 5141(a)-(d)

October 1980
Amended October 1980
August 25, 1997