Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 1800, Acceptance of Gifts, Grants and Bequests to the School District

1800, Acceptance of Gifts, Grants and Bequests to the School District

The Board of Education recognizes and appreciates gifts, grants and bequests made to the district. To that end, it is the policy of the district to accept gifts, grants and/or bequests of money, real or personal property, as well as other merchandise which, in the view of the Board, add to the overall welfare of the district, provided that such acceptance is in accordance with existing laws and regulations. However, the Board is not required to accept any gift, grant or bequest and does so at its discretion, basing its judgment on the best interests of the district.

Furthermore, the Board will not accept any gift, grant or bequest which constitutes a conflict of interest and/or gives an appearance of impropriety.

Acceptance of gifts are subject to review, approval and acceptance by the Board of Education if any of the following is relevant:

  1. the gift becomes part of the district’s inventory or revenue,
  2. items are valued at $2,500 or more annually (single item or in aggregate from one donor), or
  3. are donated with specific limitations.

In determining its action, the Board of Education will consider the following factors:

  1. the purpose of the gift
  2. the beneficiary or beneficiaries (if any)
  3. all conditions and restrictions that may apply
  4. any anticipated future costs such as staff support, replacements, installation and maintenance
  5. (at the same time, the Board will safeguard the district, the staff and students from) any perceived commercial exploitation from special interest groups, and the like
  6. any gifts or grants which will place encumbrances on future Boards, or result in unreasonable additional costs to the district

The Board of Education would prefer an offer in writing to formally consider acceptance of gifts or grants. Any such gifts or grants donated to the Board and accepted on behalf of the district must be by official action and resolution passed by Board majority. The Board would prefer the gift or grant to be a general offer rather than a specific one. Consequently, the Board would suggest that the donor/grantor work first with the school administrators in determining the nature of the gift or grant prior to formal consideration for acceptance by the Board. However, the Board, in its discretion, may direct the Superintendent of Schools to apply such gift or grant for the benefit of a specific school or school program.

Gifts and/or grants of money to the district shall be properly accounted for in accordance with State and Federal rules and regulations.

All gifts, grants and/or bequests shall become district property and their use/disposition shall be determined by school and/or district personnel. A letter of appreciation may be sent to a donor/grantor in recognition of his/her contribution to the school district.

Education Law Sections 1709(12), 1709(12-a) and 1718(2)
General Municipal Law Section 805-a(1)
Adopted: June 18, 2012