Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 5430-R, Student Psychological Services

5430-R, Student Psychological Services

  1. Consideration for referral should be given a child who evidences any of the following characteristics: severe academic or learning defects, emotional problems, adjustment problems, or other significantly inappropriate behavior.
  2. For the psychologist to formally see a child, the standard psychological referral form should be completed. The statement of concern should be clearly stated on this form. Included with the statement of concern the teacher should indicate the expected outcomes of the referral. Also included should be those procedures and techniques which have already been used with the child in the attempt to remediate the problem.
  3. The completed referral form should be given to the Building Principal or Pupil Personal Service chair at the elementary level or to the student’s counselor at the secondary level. When a formal psychological evaluation is indicated, written parent consent shall be obtained and attached to the referral form.
  4. Each Building Principal should maintain a supply of appropriate referral forms, parent consent forms and release of information forms.
  5. Responses to psychological referrals will be made on the basis of urgency, time constraints and date of referral. When the number of referrals exceeds the school psychologist’s time in the building, the Building Principal and school psychologist will make a determination as to the referrals having highest priority.
  6. After the referral has been acted upon by the school psychologist, the referral form, the parent consent form and the written recommendations resulting from the referral should be filed in the Pupil Services Team folder and/or the psychologist’s locked file cabinet.

Procedure for Referrals to Community Agencies or Mental Health Specialists

  1. In the elementary schools referrals to community agencies, with a parent’s permission, will be initiated through the Pupil Services Department with the Pupil Services Team Chairman/School Psychologist serving as coordinator for such referrals. At the secondary school level such referrals will be coordinated by the student’s counselor.
  2. In addition to the classroom teacher and the Building Principal or hall Principal, the following members of the Pupil Services Team should be aware of proposed referrals and may be expected to participate in a parent conference arranged for by the Principal/Pupil Service Team Chairman/School Psychologist at the elementary level or the guidance counselor at the secondary level:
    • School Psychologist
    • Nurse-Teacher
    • Reading Specialist
    • Speech Therapist
    • Guidance Counselor
  3. Referrals must state the purpose of the referral with specific reasons given for the referral and with expected outcomes delineated; e.g., the referral should indicate whether the agency will be expected to work in a therapeutic situation with the child or whether a more complete diagnosis is desired in order that district personnel may work more effectively with the child withinthe schools.
  4. It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to make the formal contact with the agency or specialist. The school may initiate contact with the agency or mental health specialist prior to the parent’s/guardian’s making contact in order to be aware of whether or not the agency or specialist feels the referral would be appropriate.
  5. Written permission from parents/guardians must be obtained prior to the transmittal of records or other information from the school to the outside agency or specialist.
  6. Normally contact between the outside agency or specialist and the student will not be conducted in school. Exceptions must be made with the concurrence of the Principal and the Director of Pupil Services.
  7. Recommendations from the outside agency or specialist for the benefit of teachers will be channeled through the Building Principal and psychologist at the elementary level and through the guidance counselor at the secondary level.

Parents should be aware that informative testing or recommendations generated by individuals or agencies outside of the district are subject to review, and final decision making rests with the parents and the Pupil Services Team.

5312.1, Drug and Alcohol Abuse
5460, Suspected Child Abuse and Maltreatment

Ref: Education Law §3602(32) 8 NYCRR §100.1,2

Note: Prior regulations, Procedure for Psychological Referral, 6164.3 and Procedure for Referral to Community Agencies of Mental Health Specialists, 6164.4

October 30, 1974
August 25, 1997
January 26, 1998