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2120, School Board Elections

District Elections

The elections of members of the Board of Education of this school district and voting upon the appropriation of the necessary funds to meet the estimated expenditures, or on propositions involving the expenditure of money, or authorizing the levy of taxes, shall be held on the third Tuesday in May.

Budget Vote

The annual budget vote shall be held at the Goodrich Building (District Office), 91 Fiddlers Lane, Latham, on the third Tuesday in May, between the hours of 6:00 A.M. and 9:00 P.M., and shall be conducted by voting machine.

Special propositions may be added to the budget presented to voters as prescribed by Education Law. Each such petition for a special proposition shall be presented to the Clerk of the Board at least thirty (30) days prior to the budget vote, and shall be signed by at least twenty-five (25) qualified voters of the district or 2 percent of the number of voters in the previous election, whichever is greater.

The Board reserves its legal prerogative to make the final decision on whether the special propositions will be placed on the ballot. The School Board may refuse such a petition if its purpose is not within the power of voters or is illegal. The proposition must include specific appropriations for the items contained therein. Ambiguities in the proposition’s language also may be grounds for the Board’s refusal; however, the Board may alter the language of a proposition submitted by voters to remove any ambiguity. Where authorized by applicable law or regulation, the Board may decide whether the public referendum on the proposition will be advisory or binding.

Cross-ref: 6120, Budget Hearing

Ref: Education Law §§1804; 2012; 2013; 2014; 2018; 2018-a; 2019-a; 2031; 2035; 2017(2)

Note: Prior policies, 9500 and 3150

Policy Adopted: January 1, 1960
Amended: October 19, 1959
Amended: November 12, 1973
Amended: February 10, 1975
Amended: December 20, 1976
Amended: October 23, 1978
Amended: January 22, 1979
Amended: June 23, 1986
Amended: June 30, 1986
Amended: February 24, 1997
Amended: January 25, 2010
Amended: November 18, 2019