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4550, Information Technology and Network Use

The North Colonie Central School District Board of Education is committed to providing maximum opportunities for teaching and learning. Locating and sharing of research information and ideas is encouraged. The Board considers information technology, including computer networks, valuable tools for education and employment, providing for local, state, national and international collaboration.

Internet and Intranet use is a privilege, not a right. The Superintendent and Board shall establish regulations and guidelines governing the use of technologies, including access, acceptable equipment and software, use of copyrighted material and sanctions for inappropriate use. This policy and related guidelines shall be made known to all staff, parents and students.

Use of District technology is intended to support instruction, learning, and the use of data to drive decision-making. The Internet and other electronic research materials are available to staff and students to support the instructional environment and to meet administrative information requirements and regulations. However, the District takes no responsibility for losses sustained by staff or students as a result of system or network failures.

All users must comply with The North Colonie School District Board of Education Policy and Administrative Regulations for use of these technologies, unless other contractual arrangements for network use have been made. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action including but not limited to loss of computer privileges, formal disciplinary actions, and where warranted, other civil and/or criminal proceedings.

Note: Prior Policy, Board of Education Policy, 6300 Policy

Adopted: August 26, 1996
Amended: June 21, 1999
Amended: March 12, 2007
Amended: May 19, 2008