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8332-R, Administrative Regulations

  1. Cell phones may be issued to District employees only in accordance with the Board of Education’s Cell Phone Policy. In order to have a cell phone issued, a supervisor must complete a “Request for Cell Phone Form”(Exhibit 1.) and obtain approval of the issuance of the phone by the Assistant Superintendent for Business.
  2. A listing of all positions who are supplied with a cell phone will be provided to the Board of Education each year at its Reorganization Meeting.
  3. Prior to issuance of a cell phone the employee must complete the “Cell Phone Agreement.” (Exhibit 2.)
  4. Cell phone issuance and usage is subject to periodic review by the employee’s supervisor and the administration.
  5. Cell phone usage will be monitored on a monthly basis. Should it be determined that usage, is identified by the Custodial Director, to be above average, and that such usage is identified to be of a personal nature, then the employee will be responsible for such additional costs.
  6. The cell phone may not be used by anyone other than the school district employee to whom it is issued, except in extenuating circumstances, as approved by the Supervisor.
  7. Employees shall take proper care of cellular phones and shall take all reasonable precautions against damage, loss or theft. Any damage, loss or theft shall be reported immediately to the business office.
  8. Employees are reminded that the use of hand-held cell phones, while driving a motor vehicle, is illegal in New York State. A violation could result in the revocation of the employee’s cell phone.
  9. All district-owned cellular telephones are to remain the property of the District. District-owned cellular telephones shall be returned immediately upon the employee’s termination of employment or upon request. Employees who fail to return a district-owned cellular telephone upon termination of employment or at the District’s request will be billed for the actual cost of the cellular telephone and for all charges made after termination of employment or the District’s request.
  10. No district-issued cell phone may be used to conduct personal business which provides a “second job” benefit to the employee.

Adopted: May 22, 2006