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5280, Interscholastic Athletics


Participating on an athletic team is a privilege, which results in many positive outcomes for our student-athletes. The student-athlete represents the North Colonie Central School District and his or her Shaker Junior High School or Shaker High School team. As a condition of participation, the student-athlete has the responsibility to uphold District policies and team rules and codes of conduct. These regulations are in effect the entire calendar year (including summer months) and apply to student-athlete behavior in all school and non-school locations.

Prior to each sport season, the student-athlete and his or her parent/guardian as a condition for participation on that team must sign the notice of rules and procedures. As a condition of participation on that team, prior to each sport season the student-athlete and his or her parent/guardian must sign the notice rules and procedures.


A student becomes a student-athlete on the day he or she tries out for an interscholastic sport and is considered to be a student-athlete for a full-calendar year following any involvement in interscholastic athlete participation.

Training Rules Violations:

The use or possession, of steroids, alcohol, illegal drugs or tobacco products in or outside of school is prohibited. If a student-athlete is found to be in possession of illegal drugs the police will be called and the student will be subject to arrest.
(Board of Education Policy 5312.1)

Training Rules Violations-Penalties:

  1. First Offense
    (a) Suspension from game(s) based upon games suspension formula.
    (b) Meet with the Shaker High School student assistance counselor.
    (c) One (1) year probation period from date of violation.

  2. Offense during Probation Period:
    (a) Removal from all interscholastic athletic participation for one (1) year from date of violation.
    (b) Meet with the Shaker High School student assistance counselor.
    (c) Additional one (1) year probation period from date of violation.

  3. Additional Offense during Probation Period:
    (a) Removal from all interscholastic participation for the remainder of the student-athlete’s eligibility.

Games Suspension Formula:

The following formula has been developed to define a “game suspension formula” based upon the number of games in a sports season.

(1)0 – 9 games– 1 game suspension
(2)10 – 14 games– 2 game suspension
(3)15 – 20 games– 3 game suspension
(4)21+ games– 4 game suspension

Tournament games are included in total games. Post-season games are not included in total games count. Double dual meets count as one meet because they are on the same day.

Conduct Rule Violations:

A. Unsportsmanlike and/or inappropriate behavior which reflects unfavorably on the school, the team or the student-athlete or which results in school discipline (pursuant to the Student Code of Conduct applicable to students in general) or criminal prosecution or penalty

B. Disrespectful behavior toward coach

C. Fighting in or out of school

D. Possession of unauthorized/stolen equipment

E. External school suspension

F. Hosting/attending a party or other social gathering that involves underage drinking of alcoholic beverages and/or the use of illegal drugs or other controlled substances

Conduct Rule Violations Penalties:

Conduct rule violations will result in a minimum penalty of probation for one (1) year and a one (1) game suspension up to and including a maximum penalty of removal from the team. The Athletic Director will impose a penalty to reflect the seriousness and circumstances of the offense. A review of the student’s record of athletic conduct and/or training rule violations will be considered when establishing a penalty.

Violations involving disrespectful behavior toward a coach will require a conference, which includes the player, coach and parent/ guardian. Reinstatement to the team will not occur until such conference is held.

Student-athletes are prohibited from either practicing or participating in any team events during the period of an external suspension. Student-athletes who receive an external suspension will also receive an athletic penalty with the use of the games suspension formula as a minimum penalty. Depending on the seriousness and the circumstances of the behavior resulting in the external suspension, a more severe penalty, up to and including removal from all interscholastic participation, may be imposed.

Reporting Of Violations:

A student-athlete, parent/guardian, school staff member or community member, must present information about a rules violation to the Athletic Director. Anonymous complaints lacking independent corroboration will generally not form the basis of an investigation.

Due Process:

The Athletic Director will conduct the investigation of an alleged rules violation and may request the assistance of school administrators or other staff members. The purpose of an investigation is to determine whether an actual rules violation has occurred and to decide the penalty to be imposed. During the course of the investigation, the Athletic Director or school administrator may question the student-athlete to evaluate the validity of the information associated with the allegation.

The Athletic Director will notify the student-athlete who is the subject of the alleged rule violation and he or she will be given the opportunity to respond to the accusation prior to any final determination regarding the matter. The student-athlete and his or her parent/ guardian will be notified of the Athletic Director’s final determination. The parent/guardian of the student- athlete and/or the student- athlete may request a meeting with the Athletic Director to discuss the findings of the investigation.

The student-athlete and/or parent/guardian have the right to appeal the penalty imposed by the Athletic Director. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the Building Principal within one calendar week following the parental notification of the disciplinary action and must include the specific reasons for contesting the penalty. The student-athlete and the parent/guardian may request a meeting with the Building Principal. At the discretion of the Athletic Director and/ or Building Principal, the penalty may be stayed during the appeal process. The determination of the Building Principal regarding the appeal shall be in writing and provided to the student- athlete and/or the parent/guardian.

The student-athlete and/or parent/guardian may appeal the decision of the Building Principal to the Superintendent of Schools in writing within one calendar week of receipt of the Building Principal’s determination.

Policy Adopted: May 22, 1995
Amended: June 23, 1997
Amended: August 29, 2005
Amended: August 27, 2007
Amended: July 9, 2009
Amended: April 26, 2010
Amended: August 27, 2018