Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 5251, Student Fund Raising and Solicitations

5251, Student Fund Raising and Solicitations

Fund-Raising and Donations

North Colonie Central Schools are willing to accept donations or funding from businesses and other agencies outside of the schools. Any donations belong to the school district. Such funding will be accepted as long as the district retains control over use of the funds. Funding will not be allowed to create inequity among the curricular programs offered by the schools.

Fund raising activities involving students must be approved in advance by the School Principal. No fund raising activities which involve door-to-door sales, or solicitations, may be approved for students in grades K-8.

Solicitation of funds from students, conducted in school, is prohibited, except for those specifically approved by the Board of Education. In accord with the Rules of the Regents and the State Education Department’s “Guidelines Relating to Solicitation of Charitable Donations from School Children”, no direct solicitation of students is permitted during school hours (including lunch hours). However, indirect forms of solicitation such as sales of tickets to a school performance or athletic event or placing a collection bin in a common hallway for the voluntary donation of food, clothing or money may be permitted.

Cross-ref: 1800, Gifts from the Public
5660, Student Gifts and Solicitations

Note: Prior policy, Fund Raising and Donations, 1323

Policy Adopted: May 28, 1991
Amended: January 26, 1998