Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 1400, Public Complaints

1400, Public Complaints

The Board of Education recognizes the right of community members to register individual or group concerns regarding instruction, district programs, materials, operations, and/or staff members. The main goal of the district is to resolve such concerns specifically with the parties involved, whenever possible.

Public complaints about the school district will be directed to the proper administrative personnel. Complaints about specific classroom practices shall be directed to the teacher concerned. If the matter is not settled satisfactorily, the complainant shall then contact the Building Principal; if there is no resolution on this level, the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee shall be contacted. The Superintendent shall refer the issue to the Board for final resolution, if necessary.

Comments regarding employees of the District, shall be considered inappropriate during public meetings of the Board of Education. The Board and District administration will accept written expressions or statements of concern relating to a District employee. If complaints reach the Board level, after progressing through administrative chain of command then an executive session may be convened to evaluate the substance of the complaint.

All matters referred to the Superintendent and/or the Board shall be in writing and should include their name and contact information if a response is required. Concerns registered directly to the Board as a whole or to an individual Board member shall be referred as soon as is reasonably possible to the Superintendent for investigation, report, and/or resolution.

Note: Prior policy, Public Concerns 8123

Adoption date: March 29, 1993
Amended: February 24, 1997
Amended: September 26, 2016