Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 4321.14, Special Education Personnel

4321.14, Special Education Personnel

The Board of Education (“Board”) of the North Colonie Central School District (“District”) acknowledges its responsibility to recruit, hire, train and retain highly qualified personnel, as defined in the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (“IDEA”) and its accompanying regulations and in Article 89 of the New York State Education Law and its accompanying regulations, to provide special education programs and services. In addition, the Board is committed to appointing appropriately qualified personnel to the Committee (and subcommittee) on Special Education (“CSE”) and Committee (and subcommittee) on Preschool Special Education (“CPSE”).

The Board will fulfill its obligation with regard to special education personnel by taking measurable steps including, but not limited to the following:

  1. Actively recruit personnel who possess prior experience working with students with disabilities.
  2. Solicit resumes from graduates of institutions of higher education that offer programs in special education.
  3. Seek candidates for teaching positions who are dually certified, to the extent possible.
  4. Ensure that every member of the professional staff participates in annual professional performance reviews and professional development plans.
  5. Provide appropriate on-going training and professional development to CSE and CPSE members, and other special education program and service providers to ensure their continuing awareness of their obligations and responsibilities under the law.

Additionally, the District may devote up to three (3) full days each year to in-service training. All staff, including staff members who provide special education related services, will participate in these workshops. The Tuesday after Labor Day, Election Day and the last Friday in March are typically devoted to these activities. In addition, each department and building is responsible for developing an “in-service program” designed to assist in completing District and building goals during the year.

Staff in-service programs are developed as a result of cooperative planning sessions attended by representatives of the administrative/ supervisory staff and the North Colonie Teachers Association Professional Committee. Department and building in-service activities are developed through committees made up of the department supervisor or Building Principal and representative members of the instructional staff. Following each in-service program administrative staff questionnaires are administered to determine the effectiveness of the program.

The District is responsible for ensuring that the professional staff is appropriately certified, licensed and trained and that they meet the “highly qualified” standard established in federal and state law. In the event that highly qualified individuals are not available, despite the best efforts of the administration, the Board recognizes its responsibilities to meet the alternative standards established by the State Education Department.

The Director of Pupil Services in consultation with the Superintendent of Schools shall prepare an annual report to the Board which provides information about the certifications and qualifications of the special education professional personnel, as well as a summary of the professional development opportunities offered.

Ref: Individual with Disabilities Education Act, 20 USC §§ 1412(a)(14), 1413(a)(3)
34 CFR §§ 300.156, 300.207
Education Law §4410
8 NYCRR § 200.2(b)(3,12)

Adopted: October 24, 2011