Welcome to Shaker Middle School – Home of the Bison!
Shaker Middle School’s enduring vision is to provide a safe, supportive and inspiring environment where students become independent learners.
Within this environment they will master core academic, technological and social skills that foster literacy, critical thinking and respect in a diverse society where they can make lifelong contributions.

Announcements | School Hours | Attendance | Code of Conduct | SMS Concert Schedule | Student Handbook | Electronics Policy | Supply Lists | Chromebooks
Each morning during the school year, we provide daily announcements. Be sure to check in each day to stay updated with the most recent announcements from Shaker Middle School.
School Hours
Homeroom begins at 8:05 a.m. Period 1 starts at 8:19 a.m. Dismissal is at 3 p.m.
Bell Schedule
Homeroom | 8:05-8:15 | |
Period 1 | 8:19-8:59 | |
Period 2 | 9:03-9:43 | |
Period 3 | 9:47-10:27 | |
Period 4 | 10:31-11:11 | |
Period 5 A | 11:15-11:35 | Lunch 1 |
Period 5 B | 11:38-11:58 | Lunch 2 |
Period 6 A | 12:02-12:22 | Lunch 3 |
Period 6 B | 12:25-12:45 | Lunch 4 |
Period 7 A | 12:49-1:09 | Lunch 5 |
Period 7 B | 1:12-1:32 | Lunch 6 |
Period 8 | 1:36-2:16 | |
Period 9 | 2:20-3:00 | |
Dismissal | 3:00 |
Absences, Late Arrivals and Early Dismissals
If your child is going to be absent, late, or picked up early, please call or email your child’s hall secretary as soon as possible. Below you will find the attendance email and phone numbers for each hall.
To report absences, late arrivals, or early dismissals for Algonquin and Skylight Halls:
Email: SMSASAttendance@nccsk12.org
Call: (518) 785-1341 EXT 4530
To report absences, late arrivals, or early dismissals for Haystack and Wright Halls:
Email: SMSHWAttendance@nccsk12.org
Call: (518) 785-1341 EXT 4536
To reach the nurses office, call: (518) 785-1341 ext. 4544 (Koonce) or 4510 (Young)
Kate Koonce, RN & Chelsea Young, RN
Shaker Middle School
475 Watervliet-Shaker Road
Latham, NY 12110
Fax: 518-785-2768
You may also use the Google form link to report partial or full-day absences:
Use this form to report each day that your child will be absent from school for any reason.
Drop off and Pick up INSTRUCTIONS and Video
In an effort to accommodate the traffic flow into the middle school and mitigate any potential risks, the following student drop off procedures are now in place:
- What has been called the bus loop will be used as a single lane student drop off from 7:20 a.m. – 8:10 a.m. on school days.
- Parents dropping off students will be directed into the bus loop to drop students at the sidewalk. Parents will pull up as far as possible which will be marked off by a cone.
- Parents will remain in the car and students will exit on the right hand side of the vehicle for safety.
- The loop will be shared by parent drop off and a few buses. Be prepared to wait if a bus’s lights are on and the stop sign is out.
- Access to the main lot will only be for staff members and visitors.
When picking up your child, you will need to use the Middle School Entrance.
- Parents will enter campus via the Middle School Entrance
- Once on the Shaker Middle School campus, enter into the designated pick up loop which corresponds to your child’s hall. You will see signs directing you through the parking lot with the hall labeled and color coded by the hall’s locker color.
- Please follow any staff directives as they are there to help to ensure safety and keep the traffic flowing.
- Once parked please stay at your vehicle with it running
We request that your child take the bus if possible. That is the safest way to get to school and it would cut down on morning traffic and afternoon. If you do plan to transport your child, please follow the clearly marked drop-off and pick-up traffic pattern.

Code of Conduct
View the district’s policy on Student Conduct and Discipline (5300)
Student Handbook
View the Shaker Middle School Student Handbook.
electronics policy
In our effort to support increased student engagement in our school community and in recognition of all of our awareness of the research showing how concerning social media is to the mental health of our young people, we are tightening our student electronics policy. With this, any student who brings a phone, smart watch or other communication device to school must leave it off and in their locker from arriving at school until 3 pm. Students are always welcome to use our hall office or main office phones to call home. Additionally, parents can call us at school to get messages to their child (i.e. take the bus home today as the appointment was changed). Hall monitors will deliver messages at specific points of the day and if it’s an emergency, we will get the message to the student immediately.
Any students who are found in possession of an unauthorized electronic device will have to turn it in, a parent will need to pick-up the item and they will be assigned an after school detention. Thank you for your support in this matter.
Supply Lists
1:1 Chromebook
As 21st century learners, our students have grown up with technology as an integral part of their daily lives. As part of the district’s responsibility to continually prepare students for their futures, we believe enhancing our classrooms and expanding our instructional repertoire with technology is a great way to support teaching and learning. As a result, we have a 1:1 Chromebook program at North Colonie Central Schools for students in grades 3-12 using G-Suite and other applications to help meet the ISTE Standards for Students.
School Links
Shaker Middle School
475 Watervliet-Shaker Rd. Latham, NY 12110
Phone: (518) 785 -1341
Fax: (518) 783 – 8877
Principal: Davis Chamberlain