Names of North Colonie: Meet SJHS Custodial Lead Neil St. Louis

Headshot of Neil St. LouisThroughout the year, the Names of North Colonie series will highlight those who help our students reach their full potential. It is a chance for the North Colonie community to get to know our teachers, administrators, and staff members on a more personal level.

Neil St. Louis is in his 15th school year as a member of the custodial team in North Colonie. He has been in the district since 2006 and is now the night lead custodian at Shaker Junior High School. Prior to coming to North Colonie, Neil was a Department Manager and Customer Service Manager at Walmart. Learn more about Neil below.

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What do you like most about working in North Colonie?

I like that I have been able to advance in my career to my current position and I have had the full support of my previous supervisors, as well as the Director of Custodial Services. I am constantly learning new things and I am able to pass my knowledge on to newer employees in our department.

What do you like about your job?

You truly never stop learning- there is always new technology coming out that can help us do our job better and more efficiently.

How has your job changed this year due to COVID?

Since COVID, we have had to adapt and use new technology to keep our buildings clean and disinfected. It’s important for our students and staff to know that we have done everything we can to make our buildings safe for daily use.

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you “grew up?”

I have always wanted to be a train engineer.

What are some of your favorite memories from working in North Colonie?

Some of my favorite memories have been the June Jamboree at Boght Hills Elementary, the Blow Up Extravaganza (a must-see in person), and when the Veteran’s Memorial wall was dedicated to all the men and women who served-myself included. I also enjoyed seeing the football field upgraded, along with the press box and concession stand.

What is the most unusual job you’ve ever had?

I was once a human sign spinner.

What would students be surprised to know about you?

I used to be a huge collector of M&M’s collectibles.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I like to bowl and travel with my wife.

What are the top three items on your “bucket list?”

I would like to visit the Grand Canyon/Hoover Dam, Pearl Harbor, and Alcatraz.

What are you currently reading/listening to/watching?

Reading: William Shatner’s autobiography

Listening: Weird Al- Germs

Watching: GeoStorm

What are your favorite sports teams?

My favorite teams are the Boston Red Sox, Boston Celtics and the Pittsburgh Steelers.

What is some advice you would give to students?

Just be yourself and never give up on your dreams. You have the power to make them come true no matter what anyone else may say!


