Category: SJHS
North Colonie Schools Explore Technology from NERIC Model Schools
Several classes in the North Colonie Central School District are taking technology to the next level with the help of the Northeastern Regional Information Center (NERIC). From virtual reality headsets to an “Active Floor” educational activity mat, NERIC’s Model Schools provide educational technology to districts to incorporate into their classrooms and curriculum. Loudonville Elementary School…
NCCSD Alumna Dr. Kainat Akhtar Visits SMS Science Classes to Speak About Parkinson’s Research
She’s working to change the world and now she’s sharing her knowledge with students at her former school! North Colonie alumna Dr. Kainat Akhtar returned to Shaker Middle School to speak to science classes in Skylight Hall on Tuesday, February 4. Dr. Akhtar spent the entire day telling seventh graders not only about her research…
Black History Month: A Message from Superintendent Kathleen Skeals
When Black History Month was first recognized by President Gerald Ford in 1976, he called on people to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.” Black History Month is an opportunity for us all to celebrate the contributions of Black Americans from…
Albany County Legislature Awards NCCSD Grants in Support of Anti-Bullying and Tobacco & Substance Use Prevention Education
North Colonie Central School District is grateful to be the recipient of two significant grants from the Albany County Legislature. Both were awarded to representatives from the district at a grants award ceremony on Friday, January 31 in the atrium of MVP Arena. Supervisor of Health and Physical Education Dave Stadtlander and Elementary Health Education…
“Friend of a Friend: Tales of the Underground Railroad” Visits Shaker Middle School
Seventh grade students at Shaker Middle School had the opportunity to attend a performance of “Friend of a Friend: Tales of the Underground Railroad” by Maggie Mancinelli-Cahill & Jill Rafferty-Weinisch. The play, one of the Capital Repertory Theatre’s On-The-Go! in-school touring productions, focused on the true story of Solomon Northup. Northup, a resident of Saratoga…
Students Explore Math Transformations From Around the World
Mrs. Huyck, an eighth grade math teacher at Shaker Middle School, collaborated with Ms. Weimer and Ms. Phillips in the library, to teach students about how math transformations (translations, reflections, dilations, rotations) exist in other cultures around the world. The students participated in a two day station activity where they interacted with six separate stations. Each station was…
SMS Announces High Honor, Honor and Merit Roll for First Quarter
High Honor Roll – Grade 8 Taqih Aayan, Youssef Abdelmeged, Rehan Adeel, Rayhan Ahmad, Zariya Ahmed, Lana Aiossa, Zain Alam, Kerry Alexander, Samantha Ambadipudi, Saanvika Ancha, Anton Anshelevich, Jannat Areeb, Lauren Armstrong, Julia Arze, Carabelle Audi, Makenzie Baker, Matthew Bernabe Banson, Aiden Barber, Declan Barnes, Rileigh Barton, David Batchelor, Blake Bedard, Zoey Beesmer, Assil Benantar,…
Communications Classes Explore Innovation Labs at SMS
Since the addition of Innovation Labs to Shaker Middle School back in 2021-22, sixth graders in the North Colonie Central School District have had the opportunity to participate in state-of-the-art technology classes aimed at inspiring the next generation of engineers. With classes including Coding and Robotics, Clean Technology, and Wellness, it’s easy to see why…
North Colonie CSD Farm-to-School Program Awarded State Funding
North Colonie Central School District is pleased to announce that we are one of just 16 Farm-to-School programs being awarded funding by the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets. The project grant in the amount of $99,346 will help increase the access to New York State farm products in school meals, support local…
North Colonie Ranked #1 School District in Albany Area
We’re #1 and we’re proud of it! The website recently released its Best Schools and Districts rankings and North Colonie and Shaker High School are both at the top of the list! Niche ranked North Colonie Central School District the #1 School District in the Albany Area with an overall grade of A. The…
Recent headlines
- SHS Hosts First Ever Induction of Société Honoraire de Français
- Latham Ridge 5th Graders Donate Birthday Boxes to Regional Food Bank to Celebrate 1,000th Day of School
- North Colonie Schools Explore Technology from NERIC Model Schools
- SHS Junior Receives Merit of Commendation for John Locke Institute’s Global Essay Contest
- NCCSD Alumna Dr. Kainat Akhtar Visits SMS Science Classes to Speak About Parkinson’s Research